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About CIC

  • 2007

    September CIC was established in Beijing, China, and set up its Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors and Executive Committee. Mr. LOU Jiwei served as Chairman & CEO.

  • 2008

    JanuaryCIC set up the Investment Committee and the Risk Management Committee.

    SeptemberCIC launched its official website.

    OctoberThe Chinese government endorsed the Santiago Principles.

  • 2009

    JulyCIC inaugurated the International Advisory Council.

    JulyCIC released its first annual report.

  • 2010

    NovemberCIC International (Hong Kong) was incorporated.

  • 2011

    JanuaryThe Board of Directors extended the investment horizon to 10 years.

    JanuaryCIC opened the CIC Toronto Representative Office.

    MayCIC hosted the 3rd annual meeting of the International Forum of Sovereign Wealth Funds and released the Beijing Declaration.

    SeptemberCIC International was established.

  • 2012

    FebruaryCIC approved the 2012–2016 Strategic Plan of Development.

    JulyCIC launched CIC Culture Consensus.

  • 2013

    JulyMr. DING Xuedong took office as Chairman & CEO.

  • 2014

    JanuaryCIC launched the Risk and Performance Analysis System (the Fengye System).

  • 2015

    JanuaryCIC Capital was established.

    NovemberCentral Huijin Asset Management Ltd. was incorporated.

    DecemberCIC New York Representative Office was established and CIC Toronto Representative Office was closed.

  • 2016

    JanuaryCIC adopted the Reference Portfolio framework for asset allocation.

  • 2017

    DecemberCIC successfully exceeded its 10-year investment performance target.

  • 2018

    DecemberThe State Council approved CIC’s Strategic Plan 2018-2022.

  • 2019

    AprilMr. PENG Chun took office as Chairman and CEO; Mr. JU Weimin took office as CIC Vice Chairman and President.

  • 2020

    FebruaryCIC set up the Asset Allocation and Investment Policy Committee.

  • 2021

    JanuaryCIC optimized its investment decision-making system and investment decision authorization plans.

    NovemberCIC adopted the Sustainable Investment Policy.

    DecemberThe Remuneration Committee was renamed the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, and the Strategy and Social Responsibility Committee and the Risk Management Committee were established under the Board of Directors.

    DecemberThe Comprehensive Risk Management Committee was established under the Executive Committee.

  • 2022

    DecemberThe China Investment Corporation Strategic Plan 2018-2022 drew to a successful conclusion with all major objectives and tasks set forth in the plan accomplished successfully.